Tax Examiner, Collector, and Revenue Agent Career Paths

The job growth for tax examiners, collectors and revenue agents is relatively flat and only expected to grow 7% percent from now until to 2020, less than most industries, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Overview & Salaries

Median Salary:

Expected Growth from 2012-2020:

Specialization Options:
Clerk, financial examiner, management, auditor, and taxes

Recommended Degree:
The right degree for you depends on the industry and company you apply for. Those looking for an entry positions need a bachelors degree in accounting. If you are looking to get into a competitive or advance position, then a master’s degree in Accounting or an MBA or an advance certificate like a CPA can help you stand out in the hiring process.  Learn more by clicking our “Education Required” tab up top.

(all information above provided by the 2012 BLS Tax Examiner and Collector, and Revenue Agent page) 

Discover the Best Places to Become a Tax Examiner and Collector, and Revenue Agent

California has the highest employment opportunities in the nation, with 8,580 positions currently being filled, and offering a mean annual wage of $64,370. New York is second, with nearly 6,000 positions in the field, and a yearly average salary of $64,230.

The primary repository is in federal government in with Washington, D.C. area. However, agents are spread throughout the country in both state and local governments. The median wage varies from federal, to state to local governments. Depending on which agency see you work for your median wages very. Below are median wages for the three primary employers for Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents.

  • Federal government $55,270
  • State government $46,830
  • Local government $38,890

Employment and Salary Information by State for Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents

Use our interactive map below to find out which areas of the United States are currently experiencing the greatest amount of growth and job availability for graduates looking for a career in Tax Examining and Collection, and Revenue Work. All data has been derived from the 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Employment and Information Data for Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents

Why Become a Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents

Of all the careers in the accounting field these three are perhaps the most reviled and the most admired all rolled into one. After all, it takes a keen analytical mind to ensure that Uncle Sam gets his tax money from businesses and citizens. And at the same time both citizen and businesses don’t want inept examiners and collectors nosing around in their purse strings.

The main role of these positions is to review tax returns, conduct audits, identify taxes owed and collect overdue tax payments.

Recommended Courses to Help You Become a Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents

  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Financial Modeling
  • U.S. Taxation Introduction
  • Securities Analysis
  • Mergers and Acquisitions

Degrees for Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents Careers

Many tax examiners, collectors, and revenue agents have at least a bachelor’s degree. Often these degrees are in the field of accounting, tax law, economics and statistics. Entry-level collectors get both formal training and on-the-job training under an instructor’s guidance before working independently.

Most programs focus on building a foundation that provides students core competencies in financial accounting and analysis. These programs can be anywhere from six months to a year.

Bachelor’s Degree
As we’ve mentioned the road to a career as a tax examiner or collector usually involves at least a bachelor’s degree that incorporates accounting, economics, statistics and finance courses. These are basic starting points for a career as a financial analyst.

Graduate Certificate
A solid financial background is required for this advanced level of coursework. Students will further enhance skills required to be successful in financial reporting, regulatory requirements and financial data management.