How to Choose a Beauty or Cosmetology School

Choosing a beauty and cosmetology school

Question Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Beauty or Cosmetology School

Now that you’ve made the decision to pursue a career in cosmetology, it’s time to find a school that’s right for you. Knowing what to look for in a beauty or cosmetology school can be overwhelming. It is important to have a checklist of what is important for you in a school. Some questions you should ask yourself before picking a school is;

  • What financial aid options does the school provides?
  • What kind of training does the school offer?
  • What kind of reputation do the professors have?
  • What kind of job placement does the school have?
  • Does this school offer a great hands-on learning experience?
  • What career path do you want and does that school teaches it?
  • Does the school offer classes that work around your lifestyle?

Recommended Cosmetology Schools for Students to Consider

Choosing the right school for you can be a critical first step on your path to becoming an expert in the industry. You should make sure you go to a school that can help teach you the latest trends, techniques, and technology in the beauty world so you can be prepared for the working world. Certain schools can offer you a more well rounded and flexible education experience. Below are our picks on three high quality schools which can help teach you the needed skills for a career in cosmetology and beauty and offer options to help you pay for school.

School #1: Empire Beauty Schools

With locations across the US, and offering programs in cosmetology, makeup, and esthetics, Empire Beauty Schools are a low-cost way to get the hands-on experience and training you’ll need to begin your career.

School #2: Aveda Institutes

Located in Los Angeles, Chapel Hill, NC and Columbus, OH, Aveda Institutes are directly connected to their own line of plant-based beauty products. Students learn to utilize the school’s line of hair care products in their study as well as traditional methods of cutting, dying, and styling hair. The Aveda Institutes offer courses in cosmetology, esthiology, and nail technology.

School #3: Ogle Beauty Schools

With hands-on training as well as training in the business and client relationship elements of managing a salon, Ogle Beauty Schools offer cosmetology and esthiology programs across the country. Ogle is one of the top-rated cosmetology programs, with many graduates going on to found their own high-profile salons.

How to Pick What to Major In

Knowing what job functionality to specialize in is crucial when choosing a beauty and cosmetology school. You should consider what the current job market is for each career and the appropriate steps to becoming a professional. Many beauty and cosmetology schools specialize in different facets of the industry including hair, make-up and skincare. Your decision comes down to which aspect you want to master.

According to, the beauty industry is thriving post-recession, with an expected job growth in all fields of over 13%. In addition, many people who pursue these types of careers and are also entrepreneurs, starting their own small businesses specializing in hairdressing, manicuring, and skincare.

Below are three growing beauty careers along with a link to help you learn about how to be an expert in that specialty.

Barbers, Hair Stylists and Hairdressers

Manicurists, Nail Technicians, and Pedicurists

Skincare Specialists and Estheticians

Career Outlook
Enter a career to learn more about:
  • Top 5 Cities and States for Employment
  • Number of People Employed
  • Projected Job Growth

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