The Most Sought-after Associate’s Degrees

Top Associate's Degree

Statisticians go on and on about how much more workers with a college education earn in their lifetime, some estimating an extra $2 million for those with a four-year degree. But what about two-year programs? With talk about making the first two years of college free, just like high school, more high school grads may be considering their local junior college over the State University.

And they may do just as well. EMSI published data in 2013 showing just over 28 percent of those with an Associate’s earn more than the median lifetime earnings of a Bachelor’s degree holder—with much lower costs of education. With that in mind, it might pay dividends to be aware of what fields are available to those with a degree from a two-year institution. lists management information systems as the top-earning Associate’s degree on its list, with a pay scale ranging from just under $40K to over $97K yearly, depending on several factors. Also on the list are computer and electrical engineering as well as business and information technology. From the start, it is clear there certainly are ways to earn what is generally considered a middle-class salary with just an Associate’s degree.

But, for those who strive for even greater heights, Business Insider’s countdown starts with mechanical drafters, at just over $50K, and tops off the list with air traffic controller, at over $120K. While neither of those options may be for the uncommitted or the faint of heart, the payouts will rival that for a four-year degree holder. Keep in mind, air traffic control is infamous for the stress of the job and positions with the FAA can be tough to get, depending on demand.

However, if one is seeking a career based more in interest than financial reward, video game design is now taught at many institutions across the country, like Camden County College in New Jersey. Funeral Science made the list of unconventional Associate’s degrees, and funeral directing degrees were on Business Insider’s.

The gist is, a two-year degree can be as definite a path to success as can higher levels of education. What matters is choosing that path carefully and being ready to choose again later, as needed. After all, the average person will change careers five to seven times in their life, depending on whose numbers you believe. Don’t worry, just go!

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