Best Free Online Courses for Managers

Business courses for managers

The internet has opened up a world of training courses for anything you could possibly imagine. How do you take advantage of these online courses for your managers?

It is difficult to single out individual courses for managers due to the varying needs of each business. Even though a course is free, you will need to determine if it something of value. A free course for managers related to customer service is beneficial to the customer service manager, but of less benefit to the data analysis manager. Determine your need before choosing free online courses for your managers. The following is a list of some of the best free online courses for managers.

Developing Cultural Intelligence for Leadership

Future Learn offers a course called Developing Cultural Intelligence for Leadership. The term Cultural Intelligence (CQ) has been coined as the combination of IQ (intelligence) and EQ (emotional intelligence). This course is for anyone who is in a management or leadership role and strives to develop cultural intelligence. It’s designed to increase the manager’s cultural intelligence, improving his/her skills as a leader. Developing CQ helps a manager better understand those with different backgrounds and cultures. The evolution of today’s business means that we no longer work in a world where everyone is within the same demographic and from the same town. The global nature of business means we work with people around the world on a daily basis.

Preparing to Manage

Alison, a New World of Free Certified Learning, is a free learning website offering many different courses. The Preparing to Manage course is designed for anyone in management but specifically targeted toward business professionals who are already working in an established company but may be new to management.

This course offers basic fundamentals of management and touches on many different aspects such as accounting practices, information systems management, external customers, supply chains, customer relations, and human relations.

MIT Open Courseware

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) offers open courseware. The Sloan School of management has many business offerings. Their People and Organizations course is great for managers because it utilizes simulations and interactive exercises to teach the student about working with people. Critical skills developed in this course include teamwork, leadership, and negotiating skills. These skills are essential for managers in any environment.


Coursera is a website that offers many different courses from universities all over the world. One of the best free online courses offered is Managing the Future of the Company. This course reviews the premises of business models and how these are changing. This course leads the user through the history and evolution of the business world, offering solutions for becoming a better boss managing younger generations.

Free Courses

While there are many “free” courses available on the internet, many of them are merely trial offers that entice you for a limited time period of a few days or a few chapters and subsequently require purchase. That being said, if you do not have many managers, you could easily utilize the free trial versions during the trial time and take advantage of the information.

The courses listed above are entirely free of cost and provide valuable information for managers.

For more courses to help you boost your career, be sure to visit What Degree Should I Get and use the easy two-step search to find great courses.

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