How to Become a Music or Audio Producer

Overview & Salaries

Recommended Degree:
The right degree for you depends on the industry and company you apply for. Usually a certificate or bachelors degree from a music or audio production project is required for most positions.

Begin your career path today by signing up for free information from one of our accredited colleges below that offer programs to help get you started in music or audio production.

How Much Does a Music or Audio Producer Make?
$47,350 (national median salary, to view salaries in your state click on the “Best Places to Work” tab up top)

Expected growth from 2012-2020:
+3,500 additional people employed

Specialization Options:
Music production, sound production, movie production and radio production.

(all information above provided by the Music Composers page, 2012 BLS)

Discover the Best Places to Become a Music/Audio Producer

Currently, the states of California, New York and Georgia top the list for employment opportunities and annual wages combined, California offering an annual mean wage of $69,480, which is the highest available to candidates.

An education in music and audio production will open doors within a variety of industries. Your college instructors will assist in refining your audio skills and help determine which industry you will enjoy the most. You will also learn valuable skills as a musician or performer that will help you improve your art and refine your craft.

  • Music studios
  • Motion picture industries
  • Radio broadcasting
  • Television broadcasting
  • Performing arts companies
  • Touring music engineer
  • Independent artist or performer

States Hiring Music and Audio Producers

Use our interactive map below to find out which areas of the United States are currently experiencing the greatest amount of growth and job availability for graduates looking for a career in music/audio production. All data comes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a highly credible government agency.

Employment and Information Data for Music and Audio Production

Why Become a Music and Audio Producer?

Working in the audio production field is an exciting career that combines a passion for sound and attention to detail. You will be given the opportunity to work alongside experts in the fields of music, motion pictures, radio, television, performance art and other professional settings. Audio production specialists are required to have prior experience or a formal education in the field, giving job candidates with college training an advantage. The technology in the audio profession is always changing, and working hands on in this field will give you first-hand knowledge of the changing techniques and technology required to produce cutting edge sound.

Audio production specialists will often:

  • Work with microphones, cameras, tape recorders, and control panels
  • Work on location
  • Work evenings and weekends
  • Train through broadcast technology or electronics course
  • Take courses to keep skills up to date

Recommended Courses to Help You Become a Music or Audio Producer

  • Music Production Analysis
  • Audio Basics for Recording
  • Pro Tools 101
  • Mixing and Mastering
  • Advanced Mixing and Mastering
  • Critical Listening
  • Sampling and Audio Production
  • Remixing
  • Introduction to Game Audio

Degrees for Music and Audio Production Careers

College training for audio producers may take between several months and four years to complete. They will receive hands-on training with the equipment they will use upon entering the profession. A degree or certificate from a university or specialty school will prepare a student for an exciting career as a music/audio producer.

Audio Production Associate of Applied Science

An Associate of Applied Science is typically a two-year program, which prepares students for entry level positions in the audio production industry. Associate degrees are the most common degree in this field, and while it does not provide the same level of understanding and mastery as a bachelor’s or master’s program, your college experience will open career doors and allow you to grow your position within the field.

Bachelor’s of Arts in Audio Production

A bachelor’s degree in audio production is a four-year program taken at a university or trade school that teaches students everything they need to know to gain entrance into the audio profession. With extensive coursework covering both basic and advanced topics, this degree provides graduates with a well-rounded education.

Master of Arts in Audio Technology

A master of arts in audio technology can be attained once a bachelor’s program has been completed. This degree focuses on the advanced principles of sound and audio technology, preparing graduates for careers as senior studio engineers, audiovisual technicians and music business professionals.

Certificate of Completion

Attaining a certificate in audio production typically takes between 6 months and a year, and will teach you basics of this ever-changing profession. Earning a certification will provide a graduate from this program with many advantages in getting a job as an audio producer. This education allows employers to be confident that the producer meets industry standards and has kept up to date with changing technologies.