How to Become a Information Systems Specialist

Overview & Salaries

Recommended Degree:
The right degree for you depends on the industry and company you apply for. Those looking for an entry positions will likely need at least a bachelors degree in computer programming or information systems. Some companies may also require you to have internship experience. If you are looking to get into a competitive or advance position, then a master’s degree in information systems management or an information technology can help you stand out in the hiring process.

Begin your career path today by signing up for free information from one of our accredited colleges below that offer programs to help get you started in information systems.

Much Does a Information Systems Specialist Make?
$120,950 (national median salary)

Expected Growth from 2012-2020:

Specialization Options:
Analyst, databases, computer systems, and management

(all information above provided by the 2012 BLS Computer & Information Systems Management page)

The Best Places to Become a Information Systems Specialist

The following industries employed the most computer and information systems managers in 2010:

Computer systems design and related services 17%
Finance and insurance 14%
Manufacturing 9%
Management of companies and enterprises 8%
Government 7%

Employment and Salary Information by State for Info Systems Specialist

Use our interactive map below to find out which areas of the United States are currently experiencing the greatest amount of growth and job availability for graduates looking for a career in information systems.

Employment and Information Data for Information Systems Specialist

Why Become an Information Systems Specialist?

Information security and analysis is big business these days and employment of information security analysts will increase 22% from now until at least 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. It seems a day doesn’t go by when we don’t hear about security breaches that have compromised valuable personal information or a company’s internal network or even a government’s secured materials. That’s why informations systems analysts will continue to be called upon to develop created and secure networks to prevent hackers from stealing valuable information.

Recommended Courses to Help You Become an Information Systems Specialist

  • Advanced Technical Writing
  • or other upper-level advanced writing course
  • Software and Hardware Infrastructure Concepts
  • Telecommunication in Information Systems
  • Relational Database Concepts and Applications
  • Enterprise Architecture and Systems
  • Information Systems Project Management
  • Systems Analysis and Design
  • Business Continuity Planning
  • Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design
  • Concepts and Applications of Information Technology
  • Information Systems in Organizations
  • Foundations of Enterprise and Information Systems

Degrees for Information Systems Specialist Careers

Keeping current with new information systems technologies is extremely important for professionals providing their business with secure and robust internal networks. The certificate program is a great way to advance skills and learn more about what is happening in this space.

Bachelor’s Degree
A bachelor’s degree in computer science and information systems (applied science) is typically a first step into the professional ranks of information systems analysts. These degrees provide foundation in computer science, software and information systems.

Master’s Degree
As is the case in many computer science and IT technology programs, advanced degrees are often required for work in larger organizations such as IBM, Google, Ford Motor Company, the State Department and many more. These complex systems require a sophisticated understanding.