How to Become a Human Resources Specialist

Overview & Salaries

Recommended Degree:
The right degree for you to become a human resources specialist depends on the industry and company you apply for. Those looking for an entry positions will likely need at least a bachelors degree in business administration or human resources. If you are looking to get into a very junior assistant position or are not sure if being a human resources career is right for you, than an associates degree is recommended. If you are looking to get into a competitive or advance position, then a master’s degree in human resources or an MBA along with internship experience can help you stand out in the hiring process.

Start your career path today by signing up for free information from one of our accredited colleges below that offer programs to help get you started as a human resources specialist.

Much Does a Human Resource Specialist Make?
$55,640 (national median salary, to see salaries in your state click on the “Best Places to Work” tab up top)

Expected Growth from 2012-2020:
+32,500 additional people employed

Specialization Options:
Labor relations, recruiting, organizational development, and employee contracts

(all information above provided by the 2012 BLS Human Resources Specialist and Labor Relations page) 

Discover the Best Places to Become a Human Resources Specialist

The state of California leads the nation in employment for human resources specialists, with 47,990 working in various positions statewide, and earning an annual mean wage of $67,700. Texas is second in employment, where 37,250 human resources specialists currently occupy positions within the state, and earn an average yearly salary of $62,290.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wages in the industries employing the largest numbers of human resources specialists are:

  • Federal government, excluding postal service $77,370
  • Management of companies and enterprises $58,220
  • Religious, grant making, civic, professional $48,660
  • State government, excluding education and hospitals $44,810
  • Employment services $43,770
  • Human Resource Specialist $52,690

What States are Hiring Human Resources Specialists

Use our interactive map below to find out which areas of the United States are currently experiencing the greatest amount of growth and job availability for graduates looking for a career in Human Resources. The associated information has been gathered from the Bureau of Labor statistics, representing data collected in 2012.

Employment and Information Data for Human Resources

Why Become a Human Resources Specialist?

Human resources specialists earn a median yearly income of $52,690, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Human resource professionals keep companies humming while helping build structure, recruit employees and develop benefits programs designed to allow employees to keep their minds on important matters: Work. As business in the United States continues to rebound, human resource professionals will continue to be in high demand.

Recommended Courses to Help You Become a Human Resources Specialist

  • Hospitality Development and Planning
  • Hospitality Facilities Management
  • Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
  • Food Service Theory and Practice
  • Human-Resource Management
  • Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills
  • Management Communication
  • Marketing Management for Services
  • Introduction to Hotel Operations

Degree Options for Human Resources Careers

Students receive fundamental instruction in human resource management basics to prepare them for careers as future leaders in the industry. Most certificate degrees are 18 credit hours (6 courses) and can be applied to advanced degree and learning programs.

Bachelor’s Degree
The curriculum for a bachelor’s degree in human resource management will provide students a well-rounded background in organizational theory and structure, performance management, contracts, employee recruiting and training as well as compensation and benefits.

Master’s Degree
The two-year master’s degree in human resource management not only provides students the tools to understand and manage complex corporate environments from recruitment to benefits to employee relations, but to help C-level executives formulate strategies aimed at achieving any organizational goals.