How to Become a Budget Analyst

Overview & Salaries

Median salary:

Expected growth from 2012-2020:

Specialization Options:
Financial, small business, and corporate.

Recommended Degree:
The right degree for you depends on the industry and company you apply for. Usually a bachelors degree in business, finance, or accounting is the minimal requirement for most positions. If you are looking to get into a competitive position, then a Masters in Finance or MBA may be needed. Learn more by clicking our “Education Required” tab up top.

(all information above provided by the BLS)

Discover the Best Places to Become a Budget Analyst

Employment and Salary Information by State for Budget Analysts

For budget analysts, California offers the highest employment opportunities in the nation, employing nearly 9,000 people in the career with an average yearly salary of $78,700. The District of Columbia offers the highest yearly salary at $89,140, with just under 2,000 budget analysis jobs.

The following industries employed the most budget analysts:

  • Federal government, excluding postal service 21%
  • Educational services; state, local, and private 14%
  • State government, excluding education and hospitals 12%
  • Local government, excluding education and hospitals 11%
  • Manufacturing 10%

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top states employing budget analysts include:

  • California (8,830)
  • Texas (4,160)
  • Virginia (2,710)
  • Florida (2,520)

Use our interactive map below to find out which areas of the United States are currently experiencing the greatest amount of growth and job availability for graduates looking for a career in budget analysis.

Employment and Information Data for Budget Analysts

Why Budget Analysts

A career as a budget analyst require you to have an ability to think analytically. These professionals are tasked with understanding and analyzing data in order to prepare budget proposals. These proposals can be critical in increasing both an organization’s efficiency and profits.

However, budget analysts are key member of any team and often are counted on to find better ways to distribute an organizations resources. For this reason alone, the budget analyst is a prized position in any company.

Recommended Budget Analysts Courses

  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
  • Introduction to Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Financial Statement Analysis
  • Financial Modeling
  • U.S. Taxation Introduction
  • Securities Analysis
  • Mergers and Acquisitions

Degrees for Budget Analysts Careers

In many businesses and organizations, the budget analyst receives plenty of on-the-job training. Because no two businesses operate exactly the same, a budget analyst is mentored through at least one budget cycle. However, most still require a minimum of bachelor’s degree in finance, economics or the more general business administration degree.

In addition, to gain government employment budget analysts need a Certified Government Financial Manager credential. In order to qualify, professionals are required to have a bachelor’s degree with a focus on financial management.

Bachelor’s Degree
As a bachelor’s program in accounting and finance will offer plenty of opportunities to learn the complexities of working in the budget analysis field. Those hoping extended their skill set without heading back to school can take non-matriculated budget analysis course at most schools.

A budget analysis certificate is designed for post graduate studies for those already familiar and experienced in financial analysis and accounting, among other disciplines. The certificate is a fantastic way for a professional to advance their career while increasing the depth of their analysis skills.

Masters Business Administration
The Gold Standard of all business degrees. MBA programs are designed for those with extensive professional or educational (minimum bachelor’s degree) experience. For anyone beginning a MBA, there are many options in terms of core focus. If you’re interested in budget analysis, a general track will provide plenty of opportunity to learn about the many different aspects of the discipline.