How to Become a Broadcast Journalist

Overview & Salaries

Recommended Degree:
The right degree for you depends on the company you apply for. Usually a bachelors degree in communications, journalism, or writing is necessary for most positions. A masters may be necessary for higher level positions. Learn more by clicking our “Education Required” tab up top.

Is this the right job for you? Then launch your career path today by signing up for free information from one of our accredited colleges below that offer programs to help get you started as a broadcast journalist.

How Much Does a Broadcast Journalist Make? 
$37,090 (median salary, for salaries in your state, click on the “Best Places to Work” tab up top)

Expected growth from 2012-2020:
-7,200 additional people employed

Specialization Options:
Analyst, reporter, producer, copywriting and correspondent.

(all information above provided by the 2012 BLS)

Discover the Best Places to Work for Broadcast Journalists

For broadcast news journalists, California offers the highest employment opportunities in the nation, employing roughly 600 people in the career with an annual mean wage of $96,290. Florida, meanwhile, offers the highest yearly mean income at $108,830 with roughly 200 people employed in the career.

There are approximately 58,500 broadcast news professionals with the following industries employing the greatest number:

Newspaper publishers 46%
Television broadcasting 20%
Radio broadcasting 6%

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the top states employing broadcast news analysts include:

  • California (630)
  • New York (600)
  • Texas (450)
  • Florida (200)
  • Ohio (180)

Employment and Salary Information by State for Broadcast News Journalists

Use our interactive map below to find out which areas of the United States are currently experiencing the greatest amount of growth and job availability for graduates looking for a career in broadcast news. All data has been derived from the 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Employment and Information Data for Broadcast Journalism

Why Become a Broadcast Journalist?

Ever since Walter Cronkite first delivered his signature sign off on the CBS Evening news in the early 1960’s, generations of journalists have been clamoring to get into broadcast news.

Today, that is changing a little with the proliferation of online outlets but the essence (and popularity) of the news broadcast remains the same regardless of where the video is viewed.

Recommended Courses to Become a Broadcast Journalist

  • Introduction to Broadcasting
  • Process and Effects of Mass Communication
  • Mass Communication Law and Ethics
  • Survey of Writing TV & Radio
  • Basic Broadcast News
  • Basic Television Production
  • News Discovery and Selection
  • News Videography & Editing
  • Broadcast Commercial Sales
  • Radio/TV Performance
  • Broadcast Operations & Mngmnt

Degree Optionss for Broadcast Journalism Careers

Many journalism graduate and undergraduate schools offer a broadcast news focus. These programs provide students with the tools and historical understanding and concepts of broadcast journalism.

Certification programs typically one-year and provide hands on experience with cutting edge digital technology and methods currently being used in the field today.

Associate’s Degree
Much like certificate programs, a two -year associate’s degree in journalism with a concentration in broadcast news provides students access to the same technology being used by professional broadcasters. These programs also involved student journalists to research, write, shoot, produce, edit, and appear on camera in segments that can be used as a professional reel when applying for jobs.

Bachelor’s Degree
A bachelor’s degree offers students access to the tools and training that make successful journalist. In addition to training on the latest broadcasting equipment – whether radio, television or online – students learn the fundamentals of reporting.

Master’s Degree
Traditionally a master’s degree in journalism practically guaranteed students a place at the table upon graduation. However, today these spots are harder to come by and many students work hard at building up their clips and reels while working toward their graduate degrees.